
New York Bicycle Accident Brain Injury

Our New York Bicycle Accident Brain Injury Lawyer group states that bicycle accidents can cause severe and sometimes, fatal injuries due to the lack of adequate protection. If you are suffering from a brain injury or other injury caused by a bicycle accident, you should contact our experienced of New York Bicycle Accident Brain Injury Lawyer team at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC to discuss your legal options. Whether the accident is minor or involving a serious injury such as a brain injury or a spinal injury, we can help. As one of our clients, we will discuss issues such as liability, who is at fault, possible monetary entitlements and medical compensation.

Our New York Injury Lawyer group has found that there are several common reasons for bicycle accidents. Some factors that may cause one of these accidents include: a car turning in front of or otherwise, cutting off a bicyclist’s lane of travel, a vehicle that did not appropriately yield to a stop sign, traffic light or at an intersection, a motorist’s inattention or carelessness while passing someone on a bicycle, or an accident caused by someone who is under the influence of alcohol of drugs. Our experience with these accidents has found several other factors contributing to a bicycle accident. These factors can include poor road conditions, animal attacks, lack of visibility, or defective bicycles.

At Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC, our New York Brain Injury Lawyer team will discuss what factors contributed to your injury and who is responsible for those contributory factors.

An injury received from a bicycle accident can be debilitating and severe. Even with appropriate safety measures, such as bicycle safety helmets, in 2008 there were over 700 bicycle-related deaths. You can lower your risk of a bicycle accident by obeying traffic regulations, increasing your visibility and wearing a helmet. However, a cyclist can never be prepared for an accident involving a truck or car. If you are involved in a car accident while on a bicycle, you have a high risk of severe and life-changing injury. Some common injuries include, brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord damage or even wrongful death.

New Yorkers are not exempt from the effects of a brain injury. Our New York Bicycle Accident Brain Injury Attorney staff states that brain injury and head injury can occur from a car accident, including an accident involving bicycles, truck accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall accidents and physical assault.

There are several types of brain injury that a cyclist is more prone to suffer from. These injuries range from a typical skull fracture to a more specific basal skull fracture, which is a fracture at the back of the head. A brain injury can have numerous complications such as brain swell, brain damage, permanent neurological damage, loss of motor function to permanent physical impairment.

An injury of this magnitude will cause expensive medical bills and potentially loss of wages or lost employment. Our experienced New York Bicycle Accident Lawyer group at Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC will help you obtain a satisfactory award for your injury.

If you or a family member is suffering from a brain injury or other personal injury relating to a bicycle accident, contact our knowledgeable New York Bicycle Accident Brain Injury Lawyer team to schedule a free consultation to discuss your potential legal options. Our law firm is experienced in winning cases against negligent motorists and other irresponsible entities. Contact us online or at 800.696.9529. We have offices throughout the New York City area in Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, Brooklyn and also in Westchester County. We also have Long Island offices in Nassau County and Suffolk County.