
New York Open Head Injury Lawyer

An open head injury is a type of injury to the head where the skull has been penetrated and fractured, leaving the brain exposed. One of the most common types of open head injuries results from a gunshot wound to the head where the bullet breaks the skull and damages the brain. Other types of open head injuries occur when a blow to the head breaks the skull and fragments from the skull piece the brain. This can happened in a fall, a car accident, or in when an object hits the victim’s head or the victim falls against a hard surface. Open head injuries are dangerous, not only because of the damage to the skull and to the brain. They are also dangerous because there is a significant risk of infection. If your head injury was caused because another person behave negligently, then you should contact a New York open head injury lawyer right away who understands the impact that this type of injury can have on your long-term health, your finances, and your career.

Common causes of open head injury skull fractures

An open head injury describes a class of head injuries where the skull is broken and the brain is exposed and injured. The various types of open head injuries include depressed skull fracture, compound skull fracture, basilar skull fracture, disastic skull fracture, and a cribiform plate skull fracture.

Open head brain injuries are caused by an object that penetrates the skull and damages the brain. As an experienced New York open head injury lawyer will explain, one of the most common causes of an open head injury is a gunshot wound to head where the bullet penetrates the skull and enters the brain. Other causes of open head injuries include any type of blow to the head that is violent that the skull fractures and as a result pieces of the skull penetrate the brain. This can happen in a car accident, in a construction accident, or in a variety of other types of accidents.

Whether the open head injury is caused by a bullet or by some other penetrating force, an open head injury is particularly dangerous due to the risk of infection and contamination.

Pursuing compensation for an open head injury

With an open head injury or any type of serious injury to the head or brain, treatment and recovery will involve emergency room treatment, hospital stay, outpatient treatment, and medication. You may need surgery and physical therapy. It is estimated that 50% of victims who survive open head injuries suffer from post-traumatic epilepsy. The most serious injuries may require long-term at home care or a long-term stay in a rehabilitation facility. The expenses associated with treatment and recovery will be substantial. As an open head injury attorney in New York will explain, if your injury was caused because another person was negligent, then you have legal resource. You can file a lawsuit against the negligent person, business, or government entity in order to transfer the financial burden from you to the party at fault.

Whether your recovery involves surgery, long-term stay in a medical facility, or therapy, you can demand payment for all of the bills that you accumulated as future medical bills. In addition, you can demand payment for lost wages if you missed work while recovering as well as for loss of future earning capacity. Pain and suffering is another type of loss you can demand.

If your accident occurred at work, you may be eligible to receive medical and cash benefits through workers’ compensation.

Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates

If you or someone you care about is facing the challenges of a serious head injury that was caused by the negligence of another person, you need legal representation who understands the legal and procedural issues associated with complex personal injury cases and who also understands the medical issues associated with head injuries. The open head injury attorneys serving clients in New York at the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates are experienced in representing clients who have suffered catastrophic injuries in accidents. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case. We represent clients in the following locations: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Nassau County, Queens, Staten Island, Suffolk County and Westchester County.