
The Firm

A serious injury to the brain is one of the most devastating injuries that one can suffer. When the brain is damaged, it cannot function normally. This can lead to a variety of health problems such as paralysis, migraines, dizziness, memory loss, dementia, and other problems with cognition. The experienced New York brain injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates understand how disruptive and devastating damage from a brain injury can be not only for the victim, but also for the victim’s loved ones. With over 20 years of experience representing clients suffering brain injuries and other serious injuries because of the negligence of others, we are here to help ensure that you have the resources to pay for the care you need and to provide for your family. We serve clients throughout Nassau County, Manhattan, Suffolk County, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, Staten Island, and Westchester County.

Causes of brain injuries

Common causes of brain injuries include motor vehicle accident, falls from height above 3 feet, falling down stairs, criminal assaults, and falling from bicycle or motorcycle without wearing a helmet. We understand the financial burden faced by accident victims who suffer brain injuries. Such injuries are expensive to treat and victims are often unable to earn the income they were able to earn prior to the injury. We understand how important it is for victims to receive the maximum compensation from the liable party.

We investigate

Whether accident was caused by a car accident, a fall, or some other reason, we have the experience, skill, and resources to conduct a thorough investigation. We will review evidence from the accident scene including the police report, photographs, videos, and reports from the accident scene reconstruction expert. We will interview witnesses. We will also review medical records.

Medical records and bills are critically important in a personal injury case as they contain information crucial to proving that the victim’s injury was indeed the result of the accident, and due to a pre-existing condition. The records will also contain crucial information about the severity of the injuries and the victim’s prognosis.


As New York brain injury attorneys, we advocate on your behalf so that you recover the compensation that you need and deserve. Oftentimes the negligent party refuses to admit fault. In other cases, the negligent party may admit guilt, but refuse to offer a reasonable settlement. Our goal is always to win a fair settlement pretrial. Using our superb negotiation skills we have secured for our clients multimillion dollar settlements without ever going to trial. However, we will go to trial and litigate your case if necessary.

While each case is unique, typical damages available to victims who suffer brain injuries include compensation to cover medical bills. We demand money for not only past medical bills, but for future medical expenses as well. Brain injuries often require long-term treatment. We make sure that our clients receive enough compensation to cover treatment, medication, and rehabilitation as long as they are necessary. We will also demand compensation for lost wages. Victims of brain injuries undoubtedly will miss work. The paychecks you missed, the vacation and sick days you used, the raises and promotions you missed, and any other compensation that you missed because of the brain injury is compensable. If your injury leaves you with permanent deficits, we will consult with experts to determine the amount of future earnings you will not be able to earn because of your brain injury. We will also demand payment for pain and suffering. Particularly if you suffer permanent serious damage, we will demand a substantial pain and suffering award for you.

The attorneys at the Law Offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates believe in fighting for injured victims to help them get a fair settlement to compensate them for the pain and suffering they have been through. We are passionate in our pursuit of maximizing our client’s recovery. We fight to get our clients the results they deserve. While we often are able to negotiate favorable settlements for our clients without litigation, we are willing and capable of going to trial when necessary. Call us at 800.696.9529 or contact us online for a FREE consultation.